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  • Shanghai Souair Industrial Co., the leading air compressor manufacturer and exporter in china, authorized by the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation.
  • Add: R1403-A No.1370 Zhennan Road,Putuo district,Shanghai,China.   
  • Tel: 0086-21-28901300  Fax: 0086-21-60766271  
  • Mobile Phone: 0086-18121319076   13764717992  
  • Contact: Mr Cai    Skype: xrcomp  
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Product List

Product Show
Ingersoll-Rand Centrifugal Air Compressor (6000-30, 000 cfm) Ingersoll-Rand Centrifugal Air Compressor (6000-30, 000 cfm).

Description: 170-850 m3/min (6000-30, 000 cfm)
Our centrifugal compressors are the most efficient and reliable units on the market, and their packaged design makes them easy to install wherever needed. Every component of these compressors is mounted, piped and wired for convenient, single-point air and electrical connection....   Read More

Centrifugal Air Compressor Standard Pressure (3-10.3 barg / 14-150 psig) Centrifugal Air Compressor Standard Pressure (3-10.3 barg / 14-150 psig).

Description: 45-70 m3/min (1600-2350 cfm)
Our centrifugal compressors are the most efficient and reliable units on the market, and their packaged design makes them easy to install wherever needed. Every component of these compressors is mounted, piped and wired for convenient, single-point air and electrical connection....   Read More

Ingersoll-Rand Centrifugal Air Compressor (C1000) Ingersoll-Rand Centrifugal Air Compressor (C1000).

Description: 127-212 m3min /4500-7500 cfm
Ingersoll Rand's new C1000 centrifugal air compressor offers the very best of both time-proven and new technologies, including over 50 design improvements to ensure the highest levels of reliability, efficiency and productivity available today. From our ‘anywhere access’ advanced controller to our optimized aerodynamic design, our new energy-efficient C1000 delivers maximum performance with lasting value....   Read More

Centrifugal Air Compressor Standard Pressure (3-10.3 barg / 14-150 psig) Centrifugal Air Compressor Standard Pressure (3-10.3 barg / 14-150 psig).

Description: 60-115 m3min /2000-4100 cfm
Our centrifugal compressors are the most efficient and reliable units on the market, and their packaged design makes them easy to install wherever needed. Every component of these compressors is mounted, piped and wired for convenient, single-point air and electrical connection....   Read More

Ingersoll Rand Centrifugal Air Compressors Low Pressure (0.4-2.1 barg / 5-30 psig) Ingersoll Rand Centrifugal Air Compressors Low Pressure (0.4-2.1 barg / 5-30 psig).

Description: Our centrifugal air compressors are the most efficient and reliable units on the market, and their packaged design makes them easy to install wherever needed.Every component of these compressors is mounted, piped and wired for convenient, single-point air and electrical connection....   Read More